On Friday, February 24, the final assessment for India will be given. This unit covered the ancient civilization of India as well as the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Below I have posted several questions/statements you can answer to help prepare for the assessment. You can also access the link to Quizlet to review your India terms.
1. Determine four geographic features of Ancient India and explain how each feature impacted the early civilization of India.
2. Describe how Indus River civilization had a major impact on cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere today.
3. Review the H.E.L.P. perspective (Historian - a person who studies, writes and is an authority of history, Economist - a person who studies how people distribute wealth and resources and controls their finances, Location/Geographer - a person tho studies the earth's natural and physical features, Political Scientist - an expert on local and international governments) Give an example for each within India.
4. Describe the geographic origin, founding leader and teachings of both Hinduism and Buddhism.
5. Explain how the ideas, beliefs and achievements of the ancient Indians show the influence of cultural diffusion (the spreading of something more widely) and traditions in the world today.
6. Justify why Gandhi was important to India. Also explain his beliefs and how they impact the world today.
7. Give specific ways the physical environment in India influences human activities and how the human activities can also influence the environment of India. (Refer to your academic notebook and packet)
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