Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ancient Egypt Study Guide

Ancient Egypt Unit Study Guide
The Ancient Egypt Unit Test will be given Friday December 16th and will cover information learned in Chapter 4 Lessons 1-4. Use the following information to help guide your preparation for the test.

  • ·        Review vocabulary terms from Lessons 1-4
  • ·        Review your graphic organizer notes for Lessons 1-4 in your packet
  • ·        Map skills-you will have to identify geographic features of Ancient Egypt
  • ·        Be able to explain which government system best describes Ancient Egypt.
  • ·        Explain how geographic features helped develop the unique civilization of Egypt.
  • ·        Describe the purpose or uses of Egyptian achievements such as the pyramids, papyrus, hieroglyphs, etc…
  • ·        Risks ancient Egyptian traders faced with long distance trade
  • ·        Review information about the afterlife and mummification
  • ·        Know changes that the New Kingdom brought for Ancient Egypt
  • ·        Identify agricultural techniques that Egyptians used pending on where they lived and how it had an influence on economy.
  • ·        Be able to identify jobs for each Social Class of Ancient Egypt(Upper, Middle, Lower)
  • Play Quizlet for lessons 4.1/4.2 and 4.3/4.4 vocabulary.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Mid Point Quiz Study Guide

On Thursday, December 1st the students will be taking the Mid-Point Assessment for Ancient Egypt. This quiz will cover lesson 4.1 "Gift of the Nile" and lesson 4.2 "The Old Kingdom". It will be helpful to review these two lessons, study the key vocabulary, people and places mentioned in the lessons, re-read handouts in the packet and look over the activities we have completed in the academic Notebook.
Below are some additional activities/questions you can work on to be prepared:

·                     Quizlet for lesson 4.1 and 4.2
·                     Review a map to identify the key physical or geographic features of Egypt.
·                     Explain how this geography affected the Economy and Religious Beliefs of Ancient Egyptians
·                     Compare and Contrast Ancient Egypt to the geography of Mesopotamia.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Study Guide for Mesopotamia Unit Test on Wednesday 11/9

Mesopotamia Final Assessment Study Guide:
·     Reread Chapter 3 lessons 1-4 (pages 94-119), use the two Quizlet links to review vocabulary (3.1/3.2 link and 3.3 and 3.4 link)
·         Review key vocabulary terms From Ch. 3 Lessons 1-4
·         Map Skills – be able to identify absolute and relative location
·         Be familiar with the main geographic features of Mesopotamia and how they helped the people
·         Identify technological advances of  Mesopotamia, the impact they had on the Sumerians, and their enduring influence on the Eastern Hemisphere today.
·         Be able to explain the importance of the river systems to the development of the unique civilization of    Ancient Mesopotamia
·         Be able to identify  the social classes in the Standard of Ur and list specific jobs for each class
·         Review the Five Themes of Geography
·         Compare/Contrast the Governments of Mesopotamia and the United State
·         Timeline Skills both B.C. and A.D.
·         Be familiar with the eight characteristics that make up a civilization-Specific to Mesopotamia
1.             -Cities
2.             -Government
3.             -Religion
4.             -Job Specialization
5.             -Social Classes
6.             -Art and Architecture
7.             -Public Works
8.             -Writing

Study Guide for Mesopotamia Unit Test on Wednesday 11/9

Mesopotamia Final Assessment Study Guide:
·     Reread Chapter 3 lessons 1-4 (pages 94-119), review your academic notebook activities and responses from the unit, use the two Quizlet links to review vocabulary (3.1/3.2 link and 3.3 and 3.4 link), and respond to the following: 
·         Review key vocabulary terms From Ch. 3 Lessons 1-4
·         Map Skills – be able to identify absolute and relative location
·         Be familiar with the main geographic features of Mesopotamia and how they helped the people
·         Identify technological advances of  Mesopotamia, the impact they had on the Sumerians, and their enduring influence on the Eastern Hemisphere today.
·         Be able to explain the importance of the river systems to the development of the unique civilization of    Ancient Mesopotamia
·         Be able to identify  the social classes in the Standard of Ur and list specific jobs for each class
·         Review the Five Themes of Geography
·         Compare/Contrast the Governments of Mesopotamia and the United State
·         Timeline Skills both B.C. and A.D.
·         Be familiar with the eight characteristics that make up a civilization-Specific to Mesopotamia
1.             -Cities
2.             -Government
3.             -Religion
4.             -Job Specialization
5.             -Social Classes
6.             -Art and Architecture
7.             -Public Works
8.             -Writing

Study Guide for Mesopotamia Unit Test on Wednesday 11/9

Mesopotamia Final Assessment Study Guide:
·         Review Chapter 3 lessons 1-4 (pages 94-119)
·         Review key vocabulary terms From Ch. 3 Lessons 1-4
·         Map Skills – be able to identify absolute and relative location
·         Be familiar with the main geographic features of Mesopotamia and how they helped the people
·         Identify technological advances of  Mesopotamia, the impact they had on the Sumerians, and their enduring influence on the Eastern Hemisphere today.
·         Be able to explain the importance of the river systems to the development of the unique civilization of    Ancient Mesopotamia
·         Be able to identify  the social classes in the Standard of Ur and list specific jobs for each class
·         Review the Five Themes of Geography
·         Compare/Contrast the Governments of Mesopotamia and the United State
·         Timeline Skills both B.C. and A.D.
·         Be familiar with the eight characteristics that make up a civilization-Specific to Mesopotamia
1.             -Cities
2.             -Government
3.             -Religion
4.             -Job Specialization
5.             -Social Classes
6.             -Art and Architecture
7.             -Public Works
8.             -Writing

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Study guide for Ch. 3 Lesson 1 and 2 quiz

On Monday, October 24th, you will have a quiz that consists of the Mesopotamian geography, economy, religion and government system. Please access the link to Quizlet to review the vocabulary for lessons 3.1 and 3.2. You can also prepare following the study guide below:

Ø  Physical Features of Mesopotamia
Ø  Economic benefits of living near a river system
Ø  Responsibilities of the Lugal
Ø  Hammurabi

Ø  Identify physical features in and around Ancient Mesopotamia

Friday, September 23, 2016

Study Guide for Intro to 6th Gr. SS Unit Test

Study Guide for Intro to 6th Grade Social Studies Assessment

Use the following information to help guide you as you prepare for the Unit Test.  The test will be given on Thursday 9/29/2016

  • ·         Perspectives of H.E.L.P. (Historian, Economist, Location (geographer), and Political Scientist)

  • ·         Key Vocabulary terms from Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 and other topics covered:
    • Absolute location, relative location, surplus, drought, domesticate, subsist,terrace, GIS ( you may not see all of these on the test)

  • ·         Explain what type of society was more beneficial(Hunter/gatherer vs. Agricultural) and defend reasons why

  • ·         Latitude/Longitude Skills

  • ·         Understand the 5 Themes of Geography-Location, Place, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement, Region

  • ·         Timeline Skills

  • ·         Know examples of how G.I.S. benefits people, places, or environments

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Economy Unit Assessment Study Guide

For three weeks we have been learning about Economics. The only resources we have been using are the green Economy packet and our academic notebooks. On Wednesday, April 27th we will be taking the final assessment for this unit. Please visit the Quizlet link to study the lesson vocabulary. I will be available during recess or AE the week prior to the assessment to answer any questions and check your responses from the study guide. Please come prepared with questions completed to make your time meaningful!

1. In my own words, I can explain the Law of Supply and the Law of Demand and determine why competition can play a role in the pricing of an item. (Review pages in packet on hamburger prices  - pages 317 -322 and also the Chicken Farm activities -  page 5 and 7)

2. I can determine at least three factors or reasons why countries specialize in certain goods or services and give an example in the world today for each one. (packet pages 297-300)

3. I can explain why global trade occurs and provide an example of it happening in our world today. (packet pages 297-300 and 216)

4. Given the item of a Chipotle burrito I can explain the productive resources needed to make this good. Include the natural resources, human resources, capital goods and entrepreneur. (packet pages 283-279 and example in academic notebook)

5. I can define and give examples of each allocation of resources (academic notebook definitions and sample cards in packet)

6. I can analyze charts and maps to answer questions about economics ("Can You Think Like an Economist" Activity and packet pages 216, 317 or 318).

7. I understand and can give specific features of the different types of economies in the world today. This includes traditional, command and market economies. (packet pages 295-296)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ancient China Unit Test Study Guide

Make sure you answer the following questions to help prepare for your Final China Assessment On Friday March 18th.  Also use the Quizlet link to help study your vocabulary. It would be beneficial to review lesson notes in China packet. The China unit was Chapter 11 in the Social Studies textbook.

1. Identify the geographic features in China and explain how each benefited the people of China. 

2. Describe the different forms of governments and beliefs throughout the China dynasties. Explain how people were treated under each and the role of the government officials.

·                     Feudalism
·                     Confucianism
·                     Daoism
·                     Legalism
3. Explain how each dynasty below helped make China an outstanding civilization.

·                     Shang
·                     Zhou
·                     Qin
·                     Han
4. Review the H.E.L.P. perspective to make sure you understand each viewpoint. (Historian, Economist, Locator/Geographer and Political Scientist)
5. Analyze information that is on a flow-chart (use pages 380-381 in your textbook and answer questions 1-4 on page 381 for practice)
6. Map Skills (use pages 440-441 in your textbook and answer questions 1-3 for practice)
7. Determine the factors that caused the Chinese people, their products and their ideas to move throughout China in the past and today.
·                     Economic Factors - example such as trade patterns, employment opportunities or  availability of resources
·                     Social Factors - examples of discrimination, intolerance or religious freedoms
·                     Political Factors - examples with political leadership or the citizen rights
·                     Environmental Factors - examples of climate or natural disasters

Thursday, February 18, 2016

India Unit Study Guide

On Friday, February 24, the final assessment for India will be given. This unit covered the ancient civilization of India as well as the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Below I have posted several questions/statements you can answer to help prepare for the assessment. You can also access the link to Quizlet to review your India terms.

1. Determine four geographic features of Ancient India and explain how each feature impacted the early civilization of India.

2. Describe how Indus River civilization had a major impact on cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere today.
3. Review the H.E.L.P. perspective (Historian - a person who studies, writes and is an authority of history, Economist - a person who studies how people distribute wealth and resources and controls their finances, Location/Geographer - a person tho studies the earth's natural and physical features, Political Scientist - an expert on local and international governments) Give an example for each within India.
4. Describe the geographic origin, founding leader and teachings of both Hinduism and Buddhism.
5. Explain how the ideas, beliefs and achievements of the ancient Indians show the influence of cultural diffusion (the spreading of something more widely) and traditions in the world today.
6. Justify why Gandhi was important to India. Also explain his beliefs and how they impact the world today.
7. Give specific ways the physical environment in India influences human activities and how the human activities can also influence the environment of India. (Refer to your academic notebook and packet)

Friday, January 29, 2016

Monotheistic Religions Unit Study Guide

Throughout the last three and half weeks we have studied and learned about the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The assessment on Wednesday 2/3 will cover all three of these world religions.
To help review the information students can review the notes taken in class in their pink religion packet, and also look back into Google Classroom to review class activities.

1. Be able to explain how each religion is still evident in our world today.

2. Explain what factors (political, social, economic or environmental) caused the movement of each religion's people and ideas to spread around the globe.

3. Understand key vocabulary - make flash cards or another tool to study the following terms (covenant, monotheism, Ten Commandments, plague, Torah, canonize, exile, synagogue, parable, disciple, persecution, apostle, salvation, baptize, Muslim, hajj, minaret, sultan, jihad, mosque, Koran, Allah, 5 pillars of Islam) - Quizlet Link

4. Recall similarities and differences among the three religions - focus mostly on the beliefs of each religion. You may want to fill out a Triple Venn to compare the three religions.

5. Recall information by completing the following chart:

Geographic origin

Founding Leader

Sacred Text

Place of Worship

Major Beliefs