Monday, February 24, 2014

Study Guide for Judaism Unit Test

We will have our unit test on Wednesday 2/26/14.  Use the following information to help guide  studying for the test.

Know vocabulary terms from Ch. 6 lesson 1 and 2 and Ch. 7 Lesson 1

Know people (Ancient Hebrews) that were influential in the history of Judaism

Abraham               Saul                     Ezra
Isaac                      David
Jacob                     Solomon
Joseph                    Jeremiah
Moses                    Cyrus

Be prepared to explain how traditions of the Ancient Hebrews have diffused into the modern world.

Be prepared to explain political, social, or economic factors that cause the movement of people, products, and ideas to move from place to place (past or present) connected to Judaism or Ancient Hebrews and the lasting impact on the Jewish people today.

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