Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mesopotamia Mid Point Quiz Study guide

You will be taking a quiz on Monday 11/4 which will cover information learned in Ch. 3 Lesson 1&2.  Use the following to help guide your studying and please see me if you have any questions.

Mesopotamia Mid-point Quiz Study guide

·       Study vocabulary words from Lesson 1 & 2

·       Map of Mesopotamia-be prepared to identify places/geographic features

·       Weather/climate problems in southern Mesopotamia and solutions to these problems

·       Economic benefits of living near a river system

·       Jobs of Mesopotamian Government

·       Hammurabi

Monday, October 28, 2013

Rubric for Real Estate Ad

Name __________________________________________________ Period _____


Location, Location, Location

Real Estate Ad – House for Sale!!


            Congratulations!! You are the first person to sell a beautiful home in Mesopotamia. Your job as a real estate agent is to sell, sell, sell! You need to write a real estate advertisement explaining the advantages of living in Mesopotamia. Your focus will include information about the geography and climate of the area as well as highlight the amazing features of the beautiful home you are trying to sell for potential buyers. For the project you will be using Microsoft Publisher.  Remember to include in your ad…

·       The role climate and geography had in the  living and growing conditions

·       Accurate descriptions of the homes and the land of Ancient Mesopotamia

·       Interesting, exciting and inviting to read (Minimum 8 sentences)

·       Correct Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation

·       A picture or pictures that highlights the home or the land where the home is for sale


Due Date _____________________________________________________________________

Rubric – Real Estate Ad


Ad includes a Title and Picture                                         4          3          2          1          0

Ad is clear and concise                                                       4          3          2          1          0

   (Has an understanding of the purpose)

Ad includes Mesopotamia Content Information

  (Addresses all parts of the writing task, supports the main idea using facts, details & examples, uses sources for information)

            Geography of Mesopotamia                      6          5          4          3          2          1            0

                  (At least three facts, details or examples)

            Climate of Mesopotamia                6          5          4          3          2          1          0

                  (At least three facts, details or examples)

               Homes and land of Mesopotamia 6          5          4          3          2          1          0

                  (At least three facts, details or examples)

Sentence Structure                                                                         3          2          1          0

   (Uses complete sentences and uses a variety of sentence types)

Grammar and Mechanics                                                              3          2          1          0

   (Uses correct spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation)

Creativity and Appearance                                                            4          3          2          1            0

   (Uses a wide variety of word choice, properly laid out and constructed using Publisher)


Total + _______36                 Percent _________

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sample Real Estate Ad

Beautiful Home for Sale in Mesopotamia

      This fabulous house situated along the west bank of the Euphrates River is a must see for anyone in the housing market!  Beautifully constructed with the finest clay and mud bricks that can withstand unpredictable floods the area may experience.  You will never grow tired of the breathtaking view of the Zagros Mountains located off in the distance towards the Northeast.   This home is two stories high with a large flat roof area that is ideal for sleeping during the hot summer months when the average temperature is 94*F.  Recently whitewashed walls also help keep this home cool during the hot and dry summer months. The spacious living quarters this home offers has multiple rooms including a kitchen, lavatory, reception area, and private chapel for all your worshipping needs.  When you need some fresh air, step out into the majestic courtyard that is beautifully decorated with ivory and bronze furniture.  The home is situated in a prime location of the Fertile Crescent near the city of Babylon.  The rich fertile soil offers the finest land for growing your crops and an irrigation system to help during the droughts.  Don’t miss out on this magnificent property!



Monday, October 21, 2013

100% Club

We completed our Economy Unit Final Assessment on Tuesday October 15th.  I would like to recognize the following students for their hard work and earning a 100% on the assessment! 

Congratulations and welcome to the 100% Club!!!!

Gabe DiFilippo                  Emma Bell               

Zak Kovacs                     Jason Lucas

Olivia Minnich                  Cam Marcie

Abbey Safos                     Chase Marcie

Peter Van Euwen               Reagan Bushok

Jack Mohar                     Zach Jasko

Emma Bubolz                    Ali Steele

Hailey Baker                    Evan Danielson

Melanie Carr                    Ryan Keller

Michael Kuban                  Livie Crimaldi

Hudson Poole                   Grace Korney

Abby Green                     Cara Buck

Nicole Summerfield            Aidan Shoop

Jack McCrum                   Marguerite Smith

Lindsay Yurick

Friday, October 11, 2013

Targeted Consumer Project Paragraph Guide

      The name of the product that we produced is called the________________.  The group of people that we targeted for this product is or are_______________________.  We decided that this product would appeal to this target consumer group because________________________

      Many productive resources are required in the production of our product.  Productive resources are natural resources, human resources, capital goods, and entrepreneurs.

    The natural resources required to produce our product include__________
__________________.(ex: cotton for the fabric portion of our product.) Another natural resource used would be ____________________.

    The human resources used to produce our product include___________
________________.(ex: the designer who developed the look of our product.)  Other people involved in the production of the (product name)______  include

     A capital good that is necessary to produce our product would be ______
______________(ex: the factory building where our product is assembled).  Other capital goods required include___________________________.

     The entrepreneurs or people willing to take the risk of producing the ______
(product name) are the owners of (you can put your company name or list the people in your table group )



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Targeted Consumer Activity Rubric

Targeted Consumer Activity Rubric

Name ________________________________________ Period__________

Targeted Consumer Group______________________ Product ________________

Production of Resources Write-up: Each member of the group will individually type up the production of resources needed to produce your product. This will include natural resources, human resources and capital goods. If you type it as a Google doc share it with me at                             6     5     4       3         2       1        0

Advertisement/Presentation: This will be graded as a group. In class each group will have a poster board to create an advertisement to excite potential buyers. This needs to be geared toward the targeted consumer group that was chosen. Each group will also present their advertisement to the class. You can get creative and act out a skit, sing a song or even dress up! The ad/presentation needs to show creativity and needs to be appealing.                                                                                 6     5     4       3       2      1        0

Individual Participation: During the class work days you will be assessed on your involvement with the activity. Each member of the group needs to be an active participate working towards the common goal (Ad/Presentation).  Each member of the group will get graded individually for their efforts.                                                                3        2         1         0

Total +_____/15    Percent ______

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Economy Unit Study Guide

For the past 3 weeks we have focused on learning goals related to Economics.  On Tuesday October 15, 2013 you will be taking the Final Economy Unit Assessment.  Refer to the following to help guide your studying and prepare you for the test: I will also be offering an afterschool study session on Monday October 14th 2:30-3:15

·       Understand learning goals outlined for the unit on the front of your packet.

·       Study vocabulary terms from the 1st and 2nd page of your packet.

·       Be able to explain the productive resources of a product (see academic notebook example-Nike Shoe)

·       Be able to answer questions about Supply and Demand using a scenario (refer to the chicken farm pages in packet)

·       Be able to identify the ways of allocating resources (see academic notebook and packet scenario cards)

·       Be able to read and analyze information about different countries’ economy and identify and/or explain the importance of global trade. (refer to International Trade worksheet/Can You Think Like an Economist activity in packet)

***As you study, if you need clarification please make time to come meet with me during advisory, at recess, or before/after school.