Friday, March 27, 2015

Ancient China Unit Test Study Guide

Your final assessment for China will be Wednesday 4/1/15.  Please use the following information to help guide your studying.

Make sure you answer the following questions to help prepare for your Final China Assessment. As always, I am available before or after school (let me know first if you are coming) to answer any questions or if you just want me to check any of your responses prior to the test. Also use the Quizlet link to help study your vocabulary. It would be beneficial to review lesson notes in China packet. The China unit was Chapter 11 in the Social Studies textbook.

1. Identify the geographic features in China and explain how each benefited the people of China. 

2. Describe the different forms of governments and beliefs throughout the China dynasties. Explain how people were treated under each and the role of the government officials. 

  • Feudalism
  • Confucianism
  • Daoism
  • Legalism
3. Explain how each dynasty below helped make China an outstanding civilization.
  • Shang
  • Zhou
  • Qin
  • Han
4. Review the H.E.L.P. perspective to make sure you understand each viewpoint. (Historian, Economist, Locator/Geographer and Political Scientist)

5. Analyze information that is on a flow-chart (use pages 380-381 in your textbook and answer questions 1-4 on page 381 for practice)

6. Map Skills (use pages 440-441 in your textbook and answer questions 1-3 for practice)

7. Determine the factors that caused the Chinese people, their products and their ideas to move throughout China in the past and today.
  • Economic Factors - example such as trade patterns, employment opportunities or  availability of resources
  • Social Factors - examples of discrimination, intolerance or religious freedoms
  • Political Factors - examples with political leadership or the citizen rights
  • Environmental Factors - examples of climate or natural disastors

Friday, March 6, 2015

Ancient India Study Guide

On Thursday, March 12th, the final assessment for India will be given. This unit covered the ancient civilization of India as well as the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Below I have posted several questions/statements you can answer to help prepare for the assessment. Please see me before school or after school if you have any questions. You can also access the link to Quizlet to review your India terms.

1. Determine four geographic features of Ancient India and explain how each feature impacted the early civilization of India.

2. Describe how India's civilization had a major impact on cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere today. (Describe the Caste System and how it affected the lives of ancient Indians)

3. Review the H.E.L.P. perspective (Historian - a person who studies, writes and is an authority of history, Economist - a person who studies how people distribute wealth and resources and controls their finances, Location/Geographer - a person tho studies the earth's natural and physical features, Political Scientist - an expert on local and international governments) Give an example for each within India.

4. Describe the geographic origin, founding leader and teachings of both Hinduism and Buddhism.

5. Explain how the ideas, beliefs and achievements of the ancient Indians show the influence of diffusion (the spreading of something more widely) and traditions in the world today.

6. Justify why Gandhi was important to India. Also explain his beliefs and how they impact the world today. (Explain how he acted as a responsible citizen)

7. Give specific ways the physical environment in India influences human activities and how the human activities can also influence the environment of India.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Hinduism and Buddhism Fact Cube Project

Use the following link to access directions, a graphic organizer chart and a rubric to be used for the Fact Cube Project. These forms were passed out during class on 3/3 as well. If you need a Fact Cube wk. sheet see me during your Social Studies class period. Remember you can use the link to make the cube online, your choice! The assignment is due on Tuesday, March 10th.