Monday, December 10, 2012

Ancient Egypt Unit Test Study Guide

Ancient Egypt Study Guide

Your final Egypt Assessment will be on Friday, December 14th. It will include all four lessons from Chapter four; The Nile Valley, The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. You need to review both the gold and blue packets to make sure you are prepared for the assessment. The test will consist of multiple choice, map skills, timelines, short and extended response questions, fill in the blank and also a reading passage with questions. Be able to explain the following, which were the key learning goals for our study of Ancient Egypt:
1. Describe the influence of geography on the development of Egypt.
2. Describe the culture of the Egyptians including religious beliefs, social classes, and daily life.
3. Describe the technologies and achievements of the Egyptians.
4. Describe the agricultural practices and products and how they impacted the Egyptians and their economy.
5. Describe the government of Ancient Egypt including who was in charge and how they were viewed.  Know examples of how their government could be considered a theocracy.
6. Describe the economic systems of Ancient Egypt including trade and growth of the kingdom.
Also make sure you have studied the key vocabulary terms from each lesson and the important people and places. As always, see me if you have any questions or concerns as you are studying. I am available at and advisory and recess if needed.